Welcome to AutoSite

The idea

AutoSite uses the documents that you manually to generate a website complete with a mvc web application with source code and database setup.

Setting up site content

You can create and manage site contents here. Create a new site, new page and upload your screen shots of the document. With the help of microsoft cognitive services (see how it works) AutoSite can understand the contents and its format from the image, using which AutoSite determines the fields and its types. Once the types are detected, you can verify and update the predected information.

Generating a site using it

Once a website content is setup, you can open CLI in any folder on your computer and use make-autosite "your site name". This command creates the a .net core mvc web application in the current directory using the selected site contents. You can install this command line tool here.

Custom tools

You can also create your own custom tools with the help of the rest service. You can take the help of the swagger documentation.